Monday, July 09, 2007

Point it out!

Have you ever heard the phrase, "never point a finger at someone because there will always be three pointing back at you".

If there were three people talking to each other, and two of them point one finger at a 3rd person. If the third person points one finger from each hand at each of the other two, how many fingers will be pointing at the third person?


If you use a certain formula on 13, you end up with 7.

Under the same formula, 2352 becomes 16, 246 becomes 14, 700 turns into 16, and 1030 becomes 14.

What would 9304 become?


I strongly recommend that you use a scientific calculator.

Number 9

A new medical building containing 100 offices has just been completed. Clyde was hired to paint the numbers 1-100 on the doors. How many times will Clyde have to paint the number nine?

Sunday, July 08, 2007

New Diet Craze!

Ariel recently came back from a rather long vacation and returned nearly 15 pounds lighter. When he showed off his new appearance to his younger brother Arriane, he also bragged that he ate as much as he wanted, most of the time eating non-stop. Arriane was puzzled; how could this be true? Ariel had the answer.

What was Ariel's secret diet?

Friday, July 06, 2007

Going Home

While going home, a man noticed that a woman was following him. He walked for ten minutes, then got home at 7:00. She continued walking in circles around his building. She completed one circle in ten minutes, then another in 15 min., then another in 20 min. At nine o' clock, the man saw her fall asleep outside. During which circle did she fall asleep?

No math required.


Guess the word or phrase I've been wanting to tell you.

Youth vanishes when I always come
Over me is the brightest light
Under me are lovers looking at me

At morning, I can't live
Rest is my duty on morning
Every night I come to work

To be more than a billion years old
Rough work it should be
In times, I get tired but still rocking
Covering darkness to light
Keep on working to give you path
End is impossible for me
Darkness never prevail.


There is man locked up in a room, which has no windows or any way out except for a firmly locked door that can't be destroyed by any means. There is an open tap at a corner of the room from which great amounts of water get into the room. What can the man do to escape from drowning, if he only has a large rope and a bucket that can hold up to 5 liters of water?

Which Side?

You are standing outside a building, and it soon begins to get cold. Not stopping at being cold, the wind starts to blow from the east at 30 miles an hour. The wind chill is around negative 30 degrees. On which side of the building should you position yourself to keep warm?

Somebody is Nobody, But Who is Everyone?

There were 4 people: Somebody, Nobody, Who, and Everyone.

If Nobody didn't do anything, then Who did. But if Somebody would have done something, Everyone would have been OK. If Everyone would have helped, Who would get the credit. But Who did it....

A Man and Two Doors

A man is trapped in a room. The room has only two possible exits: two doors. Through the first door there is a room constructed from magnifying glass. The blazing hot sun instantly fries anything or anyone that enters. Through the second door there is a fire-breathing dragon. How does the man escape?