Thursday, October 26, 2006

An Upside-Down Spotted Striped Box

Follow these steps and see if you can figure this out.

1) Get a brown, cardboard box.
2) Get purple, orange, and turquoise paints.
3) Paint the box orange.
4) Paint on purple spots.
5) Paint on turquoise stripes.
7) Turn it upside down.
8) Lie on your side.

What is missing from this sequence?


The answer isn't to get a paintbrush, wait for it to dry, paint the bottom, or something similar. Remember, this is a TRICK teaser... :)

Sunday, October 08, 2006

What are we?

1. I am always excited
2. I tell people where things are at
3. You can play a game on me
4. I'm very rich
5. I give percentages
6. I am always looking up
7. And.........
8. I look like a light in the sky
9. I keep things arranged that are to my right
10. I keep things arranged that are to my left
What Are We?


Use the Number System